klay entertainment



"Gokula Krishna" is an animated 3D feature film that tells the story of the life of Lord Krishna, one of the most beloved and revered figures in Hindu mythology. The film takes place in the idyllic village of Gokula, where the young Krishna is born and raised.

From a young age, Krishna displays extraordinary powers and wisdom. He becomes a beloved figure in the village and is known for his mischievous nature and his love for butter. However, as he grows older, Krishna begins to realize his true purpose - to rid the world of evil and restore righteousness.

Krishna faces numerous challenges and battles in his quest to uphold justice and protect the innocent. Along the way, he develops deep relationships with his family, friends, and loved ones, as well as with the cows and other animals that inhabit Gokula.

As the story unfolds, Krishna's many adventures include his legendary defeat of the evil demon king Kamsa,his guidance of Arjuna on the battlefield in the epic battle of Kurukshetra, and his ultimate ascent to heaven.

"Gokula Krishna" is a heartwarming and visually stunning film that brings to life the timeless tale of one of the most beloved figures in Hindu mythology. With a richly detailed world, endearing characters, and an epic story, this film is sure to delight audiences of all ages and backgrounds.

Format: 3D Animation.
Genre: Epic, Drama, Adventure
Duration: 90 Mins x 1
Languages: Ready in Hindi




Klay Entertainment’s original content is available for licensing on different platforms and for television channels. We have partnered with a number of leading television channels and online aggregators who believe in high quality content to educate, inspire and entertain their audiences




Super Audio Madras Pvt. Ltd. was founded by Mr. Navin Daswani in 1980, and is based in Chennai, India. Geethanjali, a record label under it, was established to produce and distribute audio content in a number of languages and formats. Our extensive audio catalogue is available on leading digital platforms including Apple Music, Spotify, Google Play, Gaana, Sawan, among others.

Super Audio diversified into video content about 15 years ago with a wide portfolio that includes fairy tales, Indian mythological stories, rhymes and educational videos which has been distributed on linear television and the digital space on various SVOD, TVOD platforms and also has a large audience on YouTube. Our new brand, Klay Entertainment, now creates original IP video content, starting with children's videos with plans to diversify even further.


Super Audio Madras Pvt Ltd

713, Anna Salai
Carex Centre, 3rd Floor
Chennai - 600006
︎: +91-44-42140068
︎: info @ klayentertainment.com or Click Here